lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

Japanese scientists have successfully cloned a rat DEAD 16 YEARS AGO.

The finding opens the way to clone extinct animals like mammoths. Extracted the nucleus of cells of the brain tissue of dead mouse, and injected it into a cell devoid of core, extracted from a living mouse.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008By Kyoko Hasegawa / AFPJapanese scientists said Tuesday they created clones from a mouse killed and frozen for 16 years, thus paving way for research on extinct mammals like the mammoth.

Scientists from public research institute Riken frozen cell used a mouse that had been preserved at 20 degrees Celsius below zero.

The scientists, whose findings were published in the Annals of the American National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), they expect the experiment, the first of its kind, will open the way to clone extinct animals.

The researchers extracted the nucleus of cells of the brain tissue of dead mouse, and injected it into a cell devoid of core, extracted from a living mouse.

The embryos thus created were then used to generate embryonic stem cells.
From them, researchers have been twelve cloned mice are in good health.

"The techniques of cell nuclear transfer, developed recently, have greatly improved the possibility of reviving extinct animals," he said in a statement the team of researchers led by Teruhiko Wakayama.

The authors say that the core extracted from frozen organs could also be used to produce viable embryos, but with a much lower success rate if used nuclei from brain cells.

Previously, cells taken from dead bodies had been useless for cloning, to be damaged during the freeze period.
However, Wakayama team discovered how to extract an intact nucleus of a cell frozen tissue cells fragmented into several pieces.

The researchers say there are still many challenges ahead to revive extinct animals.

To clone a mammoth, for example, researchers would need to find a way to implant the nucleus of a mammoth elephant in a cell, and then implanting the resulting embryo in the womb of an elephant, the relative "modern" closer
the mammoth.

Akira Iritani of Kinki University, Osaka (Japan) said that cloning a mammoth is just a matter of time.

"I have high hopes that we can find an appropriate copy" he told Japanese broadcaster NHK.

"It is said that more than 10,000 buried mammoth in Siberia," he said.

This process would create embryonic stem cells from extinct species, which would promote research on the evolution and zoology, said the expert.

Published by AIDS HIV Animals Extinction at 13:11 0 comments Email
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INTERNATIONAL TEAM GETS THE FIRST CLONED RAT.Although the rat is a common animal in the laboratories, had not been achieved so far cloned from somatic cells by the method inaugurated the sheep Dolly (nuclear transfer) and who have followed other species such as pigs or cows. Now a team of French and Chinese scientists have found that rats have developed clonal to sexual maturity and have offspring. Progress has been reported in the online edition of Science.
The problem I had with the cloning of rats is that the process failed in the implementation stage of cloned embryos because this species is very fast activation process of the oocyte. Jean Cozzi, Qi Zhou, Jean Paul Renard and colleagues developed a method for targeting this critical step and obtained three cloned rat pups. A baby died a few hours after birth, but the other two animals developed into sexually mature, with its propiaprogenie.
Achieved after two cloned females who had their own offspring.

Published by AIDS HIV Animals Extinction at 12:59 0 comments Email
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International medical company cloned human fetal rats to find a cure to cancer. Given the failure of the experiment bodies traded as pets-toy.
Church was horrified by this fact.Medical science in their quest to find a cure for most common diseases in the world sometimes makes excesses and atrocities. A recent report spread by the Italian channel RAI reveals how a group of doctors in their fight against cancer began experimenting with human fetal rats and cloning. They never got to find a cure for cancer and the results of their experiments were totally aberrant creatures and what is worse, the scientists called to the failure of his experiment decided to sell them wholesale as a new type of pet. All of these acts would be challenged if not by a vengeful former employee who after being fired decided to sell the best kept secret from the laboratory to the press internacional.BUSCABAN CURE CANCER
A group of scientists from biogenic company, a company dedicated to genetic research, using the facilities of the company to find a cure for cancer. This act which otherwise would be seen as noble and even heroic because it is not unreasonable in their desire these scientists decided to experiment with human genes and rodent. The reason for rodents was chosen because these animals have a greater resistance to diseases that afflict humans and their immune system has certain characteristics that closely resemble us. But the scientists decided to take this a step forward and growing in local machinery, implements and, more importantly, the knowledge due to clone, they decided that if we really wanted to find a cure for cancer had to create a human gene
rat and this would be the perfect guinea pig on which to base any research to find the long-sought cure.
The outcome of the clones were creatures bordering the grotesque and only managed to live a few hours, had to be kept alive with the aid of sophisticated equipment, was a total fiasco for research against cancer.
Were too weak for this cause.DECIDED TO SELL THEM AS PETSCompletely devastated by the failure of his experiment and seeing a large number surrounded with rat-humanoids. They decided that perhaps they could take advantage of this situation and sell the creatures as pets biogenetically modified. Thus was born the Genpets that at any moment became the boom in European and North American markets. These pets are selling like hot cakes and there was no child who would not want one. They said that the mammals were genetically Genpets with the intention of becoming the best pets for children in the house. These little critters, packed in plastic case, presented in a fetal position, as if in the early stages of his life changed. If one came to look closely, he saw as his chest moved breathed!One thing that catches the attention were some cables that connected the boxes with some electronic terminals, through these cables pets are fed, nourished and were able to survive for long in the clear, hard cot. At one end graphics showed his vital signs, so that you know you were in perfect condition.That's how these Genpets soon became a success, making scientists fill his pockets with thousands of dollars was uncovered SECRETWhen all seemed to do wonders was a fact that made his whole empire come to ruin. William Svenkale, a scientist who worked with them from the start, was sacked because of a personal touch with the director of the company, the scientist Marcus Bagwell. Hurt your ego a vengeful ex-worker contact with journalists of the prestigious Italian RAI to tell the secret behind the Genpets, human cloning be forbidden arose a controversy which ended with Marcus Bagwell and workers in prison and biogenic company in total ruin. When I was transferred to the prison in the area he managed to say these words: "I did everything by science, my mother suffered from cancer and I just wanted a cure, I can judge by this, I just wanted to make a better world "
CHURCH SHOWN AGAINST The Vatican did not take long to show up to such a controversial issue, a representative of the church said the pope and all the Vatican was totally horrified by the mere fact that these men have created life from human fetuses combined rats. "The only one capable of creating life is God, the man has no right to do, much less combine genes to create atrocities. We are totally opposed to any type of cloning or human and animal mutations. I hope God forgive you for what you have done, "Trippi said Christian, representing the Church.This is just a sign that the world is headed, the packaging has been living and have been put up for sale shows that our values ​​are disrupted. Perhaps the perversion of the human race that we view the world leading to ever more rapid steps


El hallazgo abre el camino para clonar animales ya extinguidos como los mamuts. Extrajeron el núcleo de células del tejido cerebral del ratón muerto, y lo inyectaron en una célula carente de núcleo, extraída de un ratón vivo.

martes, 04 de noviembre de 2008

Por Kyoko Hasegawa/AFP

Científicos japoneses anunciaron el martes que crearon clones a partir de un ratón muerto y congelado desde hace 16 años, abriendo así camino a investigaciones sobre mamíferos ya extinguidos como los mamut.

Científicos del instituto público de investigación Riken utilizaron la célula congelada de un ratón, que había sido preservado a 20 grados Celsius bajo cero.

Los científicos, cuyos resultados fueron publicados en los Anales de la Academia Nacional estadounidense de las Ciencias (PNAS), esperan que el experimento, el primero de este tipo, abra la vía para clonar a animales extinguidos.

Los científicos extrajeron el núcleo de células del tejido cerebral del ratón muerto, y lo inyectaron en una célula carente de núcleo, extraída de un ratón vivo.

Los embriones así creados fueron luego empleados para generar células madre embrionarias. A partir de ellas, los investigadores han producido doce ratones clonados que se encuentran en buen estado de salud.

"Las técnicas de traspaso de núcleos de células, desarrolladas últimamente, han mejorado ostensiblemente la posibilidad de revivir animales extinguidos", dijo en un comunicado el equipo de investigadores, dirigido por Teruhiko Wakayama.

Los autores del estudio dicen que el núcleo extraído de otros órganos congelados podrían utilizarse también para producir embriones viables, pero con una tasa de éxito mucho menor que si se emplean núcleos procedentes de células cerebrales.

Previamente, las células extraídas de cuerpos muertos habían resultado inútiles para la clonación, al verse deterioradas durante el período de congelación. Sin embargo, el equipo de Wakayama descubrió la manera de extraer un núcleo intacto de una célula congelada, fragmentando tejidos celulares en varios trozos.

Los investigadores dicen que aún quedan muchas dificultades por delante para revivir animales extintos.

Para clonar un mamut, por ejemplo, los investigadores tendrían que encontrar la manera de implantar el núcleo de una célula de mamut en una célula de elefante, y luego implantar el embrión resultante en el útero de un elefante, el pariente "moderno" más cercano al mamut.

Akira Iritani, de la Universidad Kinki de Osaka (Japón), dijo que la clonación de un mamut es sólo una cuestión de tiempo.

"Tengo muchas esperanzas de que seamos capaces de encontrar un ejemplar adecuado", dijo a la emisora japonesa NHK.

"Se dice que hay más de 10.000 mamut enterrados en Siberia", añadió.

Este proceso permitiría crear células madre embrionarias de especies extintas, lo que favorecería la investigación sobre la evolución y la zoología, dijo la experta.


Pese a que la rata es un animal corriente en los laboratorios, no se había logrado hasta ahora clonarla a partir de células somáticas por el método que inauguró la oveja Dolly (transferencia nuclear) y a la que han seguido otras especies, como cerdos o vacas. Ahora, un equipo de científicos franceses y chinos han obtenido ratas clónicas que se han desarrollado hasta la madurez sexual y han tenido progenie. El avance se ha comunicado en la edición electrónica de Science.

El problema que había con la clonación de ratas es que el proceso fracasaba en la etapa de implantación de los embriones clonados porque en esta especie es muy rápido el proceso de activación del ovocito. Jean Cozzi, Qi Zhou, Jean Paul Renard y sus colegas desarrollaron un método para intervenir en ese paso crítico y obtuvieron tres crías de rata clonadas. Una cría murió a las pocas horas de nacer, pero las otras dos se desarrollaron hasta convertirse en animales sexualmente maduros, con su propiaprogenie. Después lograron otras dos hembras clonadas que tuvieron sus propias crías.



Empresa medica internacional clonaba fetos humanos con ratas para encontrar cura al cáncer. Ante el fracaso del experimento comercializaron los cuerpos como mascotas-juguete. Iglesia horrorizada ante este hecho.
La ciencia medica en su afán por encontrar la cura a las enfermedades mas comunes del mundo a veces comete excesos y atrocidades. Un reciente informe propalado por la cadena italiana RAI revela como un grupo de médicos en su lucha en contra del cáncer empezó a experimentar con fetos humanos, ratas y clonación. Nunca llegaron a encontrar la cura para el cáncer y el resultado de sus experimentos fueron unas criaturas totalmente aberrantes y lo que es peor, los llamados científicos ante al fracaso de su experimento decidieron comercializarlos al por mayor como un nuevo tipo de mascota. Todos estos actos hubieran quedado impugnes si no fuera por un vengativo ex trabajador que luego de ser despedido decidió vender el secreto mejor guardado de los laboratorios a la prensa internacional.BUSCABAN CURA CONTRA EL CANCER

Un grupo de científicos de la empresa Biogénica, empresa dedicada a la investigación genética, usaban las instalaciones de dicha empresa para buscar una cura al cáncer. Este acto que en otras circunstancias seria visto como algo noble e incluso heroico no lo es así porque en su afán desmedido estos hombres de ciencia decidieron experimentar con los genes humanos y los de roedores. El motivo de escoger roedores fue debido a que estos animales tienen una mayor resistencia a las enfermedades que aquejan a los humanos y su sistema inmunológico tiene ciertas características que lo asemejan mucho al de nosotros. Pero los científicos decidieron llevar esto un paso delante y contando en el local con la maquinaria, implementos y lo mas importante: el conocimiento debido para clonar, decidieron que si en verdad querían descubrir la cura para el cáncer tenían que crear un humano con genes de rata y este seria el perfecto conejillo de indias en el cual se podrían basar las investigaciones para encontrar la tan buscada cura.

El resultado de las clonaciones fueron unas criaturas que lindan con los grotesco y que solo lograban vivir unas cuantas horas, tenían que ser mantenidas con vida con la ayuda de sofisticados aparatos, eran un total fiasco para la investigación en contra del cáncer. Eran muy débiles para esta causa.
Totalmente devastados ante el fracaso de su experimento y viéndose rodeado ante un gran numero ratas-humanoides. Decidieron que quizás podrían sacar provecho a esta situación y comercializar a las criaturas como mascotas biogeneticamente modificadas. Así nacieron los GenPets que de un momento a otro se volvieron el ‘boom’ en los mercados europeos y norteamericanos. Estas mascotas se vendían como pan caliente y no había niño que no quisiera tener uno. Ellos manifestaban que los Genpets eran mamíferos manipulados genéticamente con la intención de convertirse en las mejores mascotas para los más pequeños de la casa. Estos pequeños bichos, envasados en su caja de plástico, se presentaban en una posición fetal, como si estuviesen en los primeros estados de su modificada vida. Si uno los llegaba a observar de cerca, veía como su pecho se movía ¡Respiraban!
Una cosa que llamaba poderosamente la atención eran unos cables que conectaban las cajas con unos terminales electrónicos, a través de estos cables las mascotas se alimentaban, se nutrían y eran capaces de sobrevivir durante mucho tiempo en su transparente y dura cuna. A un lado unos gráficos mostraban sus signos vitales, para que uno sepa que se encontraban en perfecto estado.
Así fue como estos GenPets en poco tiempo se volvieron un verdadero éxito, haciendo que los científicos se llenaran los bolsillos con miles de dólares
Cuando todo parecía irles de maravillas hubo un hecho que hizo que todo su imperio se venga a la ruina. William Svenkale, científico que laboraba con ellos desde el principio, fue despedido debido a un roce personal con el director de la empresa, el también científico Marcus Bagwell. Dolido en su ego el vengativo ex trabajador se contacto con unos periodistas italianos de la prestigiosa cadena RAI para contarles el secreto atrás de los GenPets, siendo la clonación humana algo prohibido se levanto una gran polémica que termino con Marcus Bagwell y sus trabajadores en la cárcel y la empresa Biogénica en la ruina total. Cuando era trasladado a la penitenciaria de la zona él logro decir estas palabras: “Yo todo lo hice por la ciencia, mi madre padeció de cáncer y yo solo buscaba la cura, no me pueden juzgar por esto, yo solo quería hacer un mundo mejor”

IGLESIA SE MUESTRA EN CONTRA El Vaticano no tardo en manifestarse ante tan controversial tema, un representante de la Iglesia manifestó que el Papa y todo el Vaticano se encontraba totalmente horrorizado ante el solo hecho de que estos hombres hayan creado vida a raíz de fetos humanos combinados con ratas. “El único que es capaz de crear vida es Dios, el hombre no tiene derecho a hacerlo y mucho menos combinar los genes para crear atrocidades. Estamos totalmente en contra ante cualquier tipo de clonación o mutación humana y animal. Ojala Dios los perdone por lo que han hecho” manifestó Christian Trippi, representante de la Iglesia.
Este hecho es solo una muestra de que el mundo esta de cabeza, el que se haya empaquetado seres vivos y hayan sido puestos a la venta demuestra que nuestros valores están trastocados. Quizás la perversión de la raza humana nos este llevando al fin del mundo cada vez a pasos mas acelerados



* Honey 6cc.

* Cold Cream 6cc.

* Distilled Water 6cc.

* Oats 1 Tbsp.

* Enbasa platico transparent.

* A plastic spoon.

* injecting.

* A Enbasa for the product.


Beat the honey, oatmeal, cold cream and distilled water to make a homogenous paste for 10 minutes.


  Wash your face with soap, dry and apply the cream and leave for 5 minutes, then rinse with cold water.



*  Miel       6cc.

* Crema Fria   6cc.

* Agua Destilada  6cc.

* Avena  1 cucharada.

* Enbase platico transparente.

* Una cucharilla  plastico.

* Inyectadora.  

* Un enbase para el producto . 


Se bate la miel,  la  avena , la crema  fria  y el  agua destilada  hasta hacer una pasta homogenia  por 10 minuto .


 Lavarse la cara con  javon, secarse y aplicarse la crema y   dejarla  por 5 minutos,   y luego  enjuagar  con agua fria .

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

The Jaguar

The jaguar is a cat aroused many passions among people for its beauty and strength, but unfortunately this does not make him immune to threats to himself and his environment.
Although not currently globally threatened according to IUCN, although it is close to the vulnerability, if we specify a little more we see that in each of their countries on an individual does have many problems, and some even are endangered, or has already disappeared.
For all these do not have to just wait and you have to act now, as is done in the vast majority of the areas where you can find.

Importance of conservation Jaguar
Among other things, the jaguar has characteristics that make it unique and worthy of protection, which is that each species is unique.
For starters, the jaguar is the largest cat in America, and the only representative of the genus Panthera there (Nowell and Jackson 1996), it is also the third largest cat species in the world and is the largest predator in the jungle areas inhabited next to the alligator.
Reasons to preserve the jaguar, but there's more.
Jaguar classification according to IUCN
Next to the vulnerability (NT)
According to information from the IUCN (2002), based on estimates of density and geographic range (Nowell and Jackson 1996), it is estimated that the jaguar population is less than 50,000 adult, with a downward trend due to persecution and degradation of habitat and prey, and could be classified as vulnerable if this trend persists, or if you get more information about the species to check it.
Currently considered close to the vulnerability (NT), which means:
The species is not subject to special protection measures, but its population is scarce, is concentrated in a very restricted habitat or threatened restriction or expected that this reduction in population in coming years
Jaguar Status
In pre-Columbian civilizations of Mexico, Guatemala and Peru, the jaguar was revered as a divine creature. But respect for this animal was lost when it began to be hunted for their fur. 60 In particular there was a significant decrease of copies, more than 15000 jaguar skins taken from the Brazilian Amazon each year, so that the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in 1973 achieved a sharp decline in trade with restrictions. Currently, the international trade of jaguar or its parts is strictly prohibited.
Yet today, hunting for its skin is still a threat. And though they are under protection in the South American countries, are dying at the hands of jaguars rifles farmers. In some places, such as in French Guyana, yet still allowing the hunting of jaguar.
The species has lost 37% of their historic range, and his condition is unknown in 18% of the additional territory.
Due to difficult access to some of the areas they inhabit, and their nocturnal habits, often estimate the number of jaguars is difficult.