martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Subspecies of Jaguar

This cat is so distributed by America necessarily more or less isolated populations have been identified with some subtle but important features that have brought the species to have no fewer than nine subspecies:

P.onca onca:
The jaguar of the Amazon is distributed throughout the Orinoco River basin and the Amazon, including Venezuela, the Guianas, northern and central Brazil and eastern Bolivia. According to the National Catalogue of Colombia is also found in Colombia.
P. onca peruviana:
The jaguar of Peru is in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.
P. hernandesii onca (rather small):
The western Mexican jaguar inhabits the west of the central highlands of Mexico, from Sinaloa to Tehuantepec and southern Guatemala, but is greatly reduced. The limit distribution has been declining for about a thousand miles south of Sinaloa and Tamaulipas in Mexico.
P. onca centralis (very reduced populations):
The jaguar of Panama is found from Honduras to El Salvador (which no longer exists), Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama to Colombia, with very reduced populations.
P. onca arizonensis (Extinct)
The Jaguar in Arizona, distributed in southwestern United States, from Arizona and New Mexico to Sonora in northwest Mexico. Arizona came to live up to the Grand Canyon, including specimens were entered in California, where the last record is Palm Springs in 1860. This subspecies is extinct, the last two specimens were killed in Arizona, one in 1971 and another in 1986.
P. veraecrucis onca (very endangered)
The Jaguar of Texas or Mexican jaguar East Texas Southwestern lived probably reached the bottom of Louisiana, distributed in Mexico of Tamaulipas and Veracruz to Tabasco. This subspecies is not as viable populations in the United States. In general Sam Houston called him abundant in the headwaters of some tributaries of the Rio Grande, about 1850 copies having found east of the San Jacinto River in Texas. The last jaguar in Texas was killed near Kinsville in 1946.
P. onca goldmani:
The Yucatan jaguar is one of the Central American subspecies of the most abundant. It inhabits the south of Yucatan in Mexico, Belize and northern Guatemala. In 1974 there were about a thousand jaguars. Commercial hunting and export of hides are prohibited, but even in 1986, allowing sport hunting of 45 issues per year (10% of an estimated population of 450. This legal sport hunting was allowed until 1986 and closed in 1987 every state except in Campeche.
P. onca palustris:
The 'Tigers' northern Argentina, Paraguay and Matto Grosso, which represent this subspecies, are the largest known
Onca P.a paraguaensis:
extincionEl jaguar animal jaguar in the Pantanal and the Parana is distributed from southern Brazil (Mato Grosso and south of Sao Paulo) to the central Pampas of Argentina, Paraguay and also including a part of Uruguay. Is the heaviest subspecies was exterminated in Uruguay earlier this century and in the central Pampas of Argentina by 1925, leaving some isolated populations in northern Argentina, Paraguay yal southern Brazilian Pantanal.       

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