viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

Also, there are other physical and emotional changes (depression, anxiety) that show the development of the disease. Bulimics are overweight, even when their weight is normal, are ashamed of their body and reject it, so try to diet at all times. Nevertheless, the compulsive eating in secret or at night is one of the main characteristics of this disease. Can spend a lot of money on food or to use already have at home, begins to disappear mysteriously from the pantry. Feel no pleasure in eating or preferences regarding the type of food, just looking satisfied. Try to avoid places where there is food and try to eat alone. His antisocial behavior is usually tend to be isolated, and food is their only topic of conversation. In addition, lack of control over the food they produce great feelings of guilt and shame.
As for the physical signs that show the disease include weakness, headaches, swelling of the face by increased salivary and parotid glands, teeth problems, dizziness, hair loss, menstrual irregularities, and sharp increases and weight reductions, but usually do not suffer a swing weight as important as manifested in anorexia. Bulimia can be accompanied by other disorders such as kleptomania, alcoholism and sexual promiscuity. Clinical implications:

* Arrhythmias that can lead to heart attacks.
* Dehydration.
* Colon irritable and megacolon.
* Reflux.
* Hernia hiatal.
* Loss of bone mass.
* Esophageal perforation.
* Breaks stomach.
* Pancreatitis.

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