viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

Bulimia Symptoms
Generally, people with bulimia have been obese or have made numerous diets without medical supervision. They try to hide the vomiting and purging, so that the disease often goes unnoticed for long. Typical symptoms of a pattern of bulimia are:

* Food binges or overeating: The patient eats a large amount of food in a very short space of time. Has no control over eating and anxiety is such that he believes can not stop eating.
* To prevent weight gain and compensate for binge eating or excessive eating are causing vomiting, use laxatives, diuretics, drugs, or uses other means to enable control weight, as the abusive practice of sports.
* The cycle of bingeing and vomiting are manifested at least twice a week.
* The patient's self-esteem is low and identifies with his body.

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