viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010


The doctor suspected bulimia nervosa if a person is too concerned about the increase in weight, which has large fluctuations, especially if there are signs of excessive use of laxatives. Other tracks include swelling of the salivary glands of the cheeks, scars on the knuckles for using fingers to induce vomiting, erosion of tooth enamel due to stomach acid and a low blood potassium. However, the diagnosis depends on the patient's description of a behavior-purge overeating.
Diagnosis is difficult as episodes of binge eating and vomiting are hidden easily. In addition, some symptoms can be confused with other diseases. For a proper diagnosis is needed psychiatric interview that reveals the perception that the patient has the body and its relationship with food. It is necessary a complete physical examination to detect disorders result of their feeding behavior. The goals of treatment are correct eating disorders and psychological illness.

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