viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010


The two approaches to treatment are psychotherapy and medication. That psychotherapy is best done by a therapist with experience appetite changes, can be very effective. An antidepressant drug can often help control bulimia nervosa, even if the person does not seem depressed, but the disorder may recur on stopping the drug.
Under gravity may turn to a hospitalization or outpatient treatment. First is to avoid vomiting, normalize the metabolic functioning of the patient, imposing a balanced diet and new eating habits. Along with this treatment, channeled to the physical, psychological treatment is developed to restructure the rational ideas and correct misconceptions that the patient has of his own body. Treatment also involves the collaboration of the family, because sometimes the factor that triggers the disease is in its midst. The cure for bulimia is reached in 40 percent of cases, while intermittent disease tends to become chronic. The mortality from this disease exceeds that of the anorexia due to complications arising from the use of vomiting and purging.

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