jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010


                             DEFINITION OF ANOREXIA

Define anorexia and loss of appetite to lose weight quickly by restricting food intake (using laxatives or diuretics often), especially those with high caloric content.
We must make the difference between anorexia nervosa and low incorporation of food, the latter is not harmful as long as they follow a varied diet of food and body weight is appropriate for the individual. However, we can say that the first is a psychological disorder that requires medical treatment.
People suffering from anorexia have a distorted image of their body, they are fat when they are not because they have a state of extreme thinness. This type of disease is based on a large alteration of feeding behavior trying to keep body weight below normal and a great fear of weight gain.
As mentioned before, the weight loss is achieved through eating less and less amount of food, especially those high in calories, most anorexics finished with a very restricted diet accompanied by exercise.

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