domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

AIDS-related infections

The herpes simplex virus:

Cause skin lesions in the mouth or around it or in the genital and rectal areas, depending on the type of virus. In people without disability inmunolólogica, these lesions are usually mild and transient but recurrent.

Cryptococcal meningitis:
Caused by a yeast-like fungus, usually begins with fever and mild headache.

The central nervous system toxoplasmosis:
Caused by a protozoan, degenerates into encephalitis (brain inflammation). Among the most common early symptoms include neurological defects such as seizures and cognitive dysfunction.
Pneumocystis pneumonia carinil:
Caused by a protozoan parasite, occurs almost exclusively in people with immunodeficiency.
The cryptosporidiosis:
Another protozoan disease, causes debilitating diarrhea that can last weeks or even months and is very difficult to treat.
Kaposi sarcoma:
Cancer of the blood vessels, is the most common cancer in AIDS patients, in which is more aggressive than those who do not suffer from this syndrome.
Tuberculosis (TB)
Caused by bacteria, can affect many organs. Disseminated tuberculosis is common in AIDS patients.
The alimentary tract candidiasis, or thrush thrush

It is caused by a fungus. This condition is common and usually benign in infants but is rare in adults.

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