domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

Women, White AIDS

At first the gay population was more vulnerable because this group is very promiscuous. But elbisexualismo and drug addiction led to penetrate among heterosexuals, to the point that the proportion of women infected in 1986 was one in 45, today is one in 4, a series of studies reveals that men suffering from sexually transmitted infections and, according to World Health Organization, between 75% and 80% of new AIDS cases due to heterosexual contact, one of the reasons: the virus infected semen can survive several days in the vagina up to the torrent blood. Although the uterus is an organ that provides greater protection, it seems that with the AIDS virus operates differently. In most cases not only helps to silence the disease but to progress faster. The woman has a more extensive mucosal surface of the uterus and is therefore more exposed. Between them, young women and girls are most vulnerable, due to the immaturity of the cervix and lower cervical mucus production. Women show Physiological conditions that make them more vulnerable to contracting and spreading AIDS. Although nature has more type CD4 T cells that recognize and attack the virus, the stronger immune response paradoxically strengthens the virus, which is forced to change its structure to avoid the offensive of the cell and spreads faster. Infected women are more likely to develop cancer of the cervix and uterus, because of the way adopted silent and aggressive disease.

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