domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011


Like all viruses, human immunodeficiency (HIV) is an intracellular parasite. You can not reproduce or cause any damage while not enter a host cell. In any viral infection, the first step in the virus particle is a component of the host cell membrane. T cells are a specialized group of white blood cells that play a key role in regulating the immune response. Send chemical signals that stimulate the production of antibodies and activate the maturation of several types of immune system cells. When the virus reproduces, it destroys the infected T cell-inducing. So AIDS patients in general tend to have a low lymphocyte blood count. Many cells are destroyed inducing T-cells can not perform its other regulatory functions, which results in immune deficiency. This is how AIDS patients contract certain infections rare but can withstand more common disorders. One person dies of AIDS, but his inability to respond, immune deficiency, other diseases that cause death.

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