domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011


The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can cause a relatively recent.
HIV-1 is apparently the result of a mutation that is more than two decades, however if exact origin is unknown. The IVH-2 is a similar virus that causes immunodeficiency in certain monkeys, which suggests that this virus is a recent mutation to a human.
Although it is difficult to establish the exact date when the virus started, we know that it began shipping during the 70's and the first cases were reported in U.S. in 1981 in high-risk groups.
Since AIDS was identified, the epidemic has affected nearly all sectors of society.
His impact has reached all the institutions, families, schools and neighboring communities to business, ect. Unlike other infectious diseases, the AIDS virus transmitted by the human host, in its transmission does not seem to act any other insect or animal vector and the virus does not have specific climatic requirements. HIV acts with malice. Transforms the blood and semen of sources of life in instruments of death. The virus infiltrates the genetic material of some selected cells where it can remain dormant for long periods. In its active phase, is undermining the body's immune system until it defenseless against any opportunistic infection. During the period of lactation, the patient is perfectly healthy but can transmit the virus to others.

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