domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

How is HIV transmitted?

By sex
   'HIV is present in semen, blood and vaginal secretions. This type of fluids are exchanged during intercourse the penis in either the mouth, vagina or anus. This means that the virus can pass from man to woman, woman to man, man to man and woman to woman. Relations with multiple partners increases the chances of meeting someone who is infected.

Through blood
For this form of transmission occurs, it is necessary that the blood of an infected person (carrier of IVH) enter into another organism through transfusions.

Sharing sharps items:
Such as syringes, razors, dental equipment unsterile tattooing or acupuncture needles, one of the surest ways of getting HIV is to share a needle contaminated with the virus. When an infected person uses a needle to inject a syringe, a small drop of blood remains inside those. So if someone else's blood daily.

From an infected mother to child
  If the mother has HIV can transmit it
  to her baby either during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding.

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