domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

As HIV is not transmitted

Everyday social contact with an infected person poses no risk to your family or friends. The virus that causes AIDS is very fragile and can not survive outside the body because it affects ease dryness, heat and disinfectants. HIV is not going through the air like the flu virus. HIV is not spread: a contagious disease of tuberculosis may be because the bacilli are in the air: and cholera, as in this case the bacteria are on the water. The virus that causes AIDS is actually transmitted only by the ways described above.
* You can not get HIV by eating food prepared or served by a carrier of the virus.
* It can be transmitted through physical contact surface, like a hug, holding hands, dancing, taking a massage or stroking the healthy skin from another person.
* Do not be contracted through sweat, saliva, tears.
* It is not transmitted through kissing. It is theoretically possible if any of contaminated blood in contact with a lesion in the mouth of the receiver.
* Not through caring for an AIDS patient, or for using the same seat or living or working near a person who is living this condition.
* It is not transmitted through mosquito bites, flies, fleas, bedbugs or lice.
* No contracts in a bathroom, a telephone, a door handle the keyboard of a typewriter or a computer, a pool, jacuzzi, Turkish bath, sauna, shower, bathtub, towels, clothes, changing soil , pens or pencils. There is a slight risk any blood visible in one of those places.

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