domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

How to avoid infection via sexual

* HIV is not seen on the face.
* The surest way to avoid HIV is abstinence or sex with only one uninfected partner and agree on mutual fidelity.
* The non-penetrative sex (masturbation or mutual stimulation), are safe and help protect as the virus does not cross intact skin.
* If you are going to have the insight and do not know if anyone is infected, use condom.
* If there is likely to have contracted the infection, think well before you become pregnant or to impregnate his partner, a woman with AIDS can transmit the infection to her baby before it is born. No other use needles.
* If you are infected, do not donate semen or organs.
* Do not share razors, toothbrushes and other items that may be contaminated with blood.

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